Our Blog

Juliet’s birth: Joanna’s story

Early labor started for me around 2:30 a.m. on a Sunday morning. I was only having one to two contractions an hour that were strong enough to wake me up. My husband, Neil, brought a futon into our bedroom so that I could wake up to manage the contractions on the floor and then go…


Without my doula…

Our client Teesha Bancroft shares her thoughts on all the ways her doula helped her through her birth — and what it might have been like without that support.  by Teesha Bancroft Without my doula, I would not have had an amazing natural birth class and a huge network of resources; Without my doula, I…


Lamaze breathing — once and for all

Breath is such an awesome tool in labor. It’s free, available to everyone, and can be used in any position or circumstance. Breathing brings oxygen to a woman and her baby. It helps with relaxation — both physical and emotional. It brings a birthing person’s awareness deep into their body, and it can be a…